How many calories do you burn playing Soccer?

A person who weighs 180 pounds can expect to burn an average of 600 calories per hour by Soccer. Our body weight, the kind of exercise we do, and how hard we do it are all factors that influence the number of calories we burn.

Make use of the calorie calculator that we have provided below to discover how many calories you will burn participating in activities such as Soccer, or other activities.

Calories burned with Team Sports (weight: 180 lbs)

MET 15 mins. 30 mins. 45 mins. 60 mins.
American Football 4 86 171 257 343
Baseball 4 86 171 257 343
Basketball 6.4 137 274 411 549
Field Hockey 7.5 161 321 482 643
Handball 7.5 161 321 482 643
Lacrosse 7.8 167 334 502 669
Rugby 7.4 159 317 476 634
Soccer 7 150 300 450 600
Softball 4 86 171 257 343
Volleyball 4 86 171 257 343

How to calculate how many calories we have burned with Soccer?

For the purpose of this calculation, the MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) of the Soccer was utilized. The value of the MET for the Soccer is 7. When calculating a person’s MET value, we multiply this number by their body weight in kilograms. After that, we multiply this value by 0.017 and the number of minutes that have passed.

Example Calculation:

  • Your body weighs: 180 lbs
  • Durition: 60 minutes
  • MET value of Soccer: 7

The following is how many calories you can expect to burn by Soccer for 30-minutes:
(180 / 2.20462) * 7 * 0.0175 * 60 minutes = 600

MET Value

A MET (metabolic equivalent of task) is a measurement of the amount of energy that is expended as a result of engaging in physical activity for a set amount of time. On the chart that is located above, you will discover an activity’s MET.

A task that has a MET of 1 is about similar to the amount of energy consumed when doing nothing more strenuous than sitting at room temperature and not actively digesting any meals.

A task that has a MET of 2 demands a quantity of energy that is two times greater than that required by an activity that has a MET of 1. A job with a MET rating of 10 needs 10 times the amount of energy as one with a MET rating of 1.

MET values “do not estimate the energy cost of physical activity in individuals in ways that account for differences in body mass, adiposity, age, sex, efficiency of movement, geographic and environmental conditions in which the activities are performed,” according to a study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Therefore, individual variances in energy expenditure for the same activity can be rather significant, and the true energy cost for an individual may or may not be near to the claimed mean MET level as reported in the Compendium.” (this information is taken directly from the introduction page of the Compendium of Physical Activities).

Note: METs are not capable of estimating the amount of energy used during physical activity in individuals since they do not take into consideration differences in factors such as weight, adiposity, age, gender, the intensity of movement, or the conditions of the environment. As a consequence of this, the amount of energy that an individual expends during the same activity varies from person to person.
